Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear blog,

It's been a month now since school has started and it actually hasn't been too bad. I've always heard stories that the last semester is the worst but I've had it pretty good so far. Usually my nights consist of Britton working hard studying and doing homework while I try to persuade him to watch another episode of Modern Family with me. It's pretty bad because sometimes I talk him into it and then I feel guilty in the morning when he has to wake up extra early to do his homework. So no homework here but I think that's about to change. I've been noticing the past few days that slowly my slow-paced semester is picking up! I have it so good right now with work, my internship, and school. Oh well only 2.5 months left right? And then I will be out in the 'real' world supporting my college-bound husband. I have a couple fears about that by the way.

#1. I will get so sick of my job because I've never actually had a 40-hour-a-week job.
#2. I won't be able to skip work like I do with class.
#3. I can't use the excuse "I'm a student" when I go places anymore.

Hopefully my fears will pass and I will find a job I actually enjoy. I am just kidding I am truly blessed to have the job I have. I just have to stay positive;) and if I don't blog for the next few weeks, blame homework.

Love, H. Larson

2 people said...:

The Hills said...

you will be fine! at least when you work 40 hrs a week you know there is an end in sight sometime for when you have those babies :)boys know they have to choose something for the rest of their life!
p.s. my word verification is "frick" ha ha. sounds like a mormon choose that one!

Isabela said...

nice post! so cute... congratulations! ^^