Dear Christmas,
Santa was good to me this year. Or should I say Britton. He not only spoiled me rotten but surprised me (which is a harder task than it seems). In my family we've always known what we get for Christmas and Britton was determined to surprise me. I would ask him to give me hints every now and then or even figure out where he hides the goodies but he never gave in and I am glad. Our first Christmas was exactly what I thought it'd be, toomuchfunforme!
Here are a few of my favorite things I got this year:
This is cheesy but my husband!
My cute little table that Britton got me. I love it.
My BOSCH from B! Now I have no excuses.
And I can't forgot about my anthro gift card. Now I can have guilt-free shopping at my favorite over-priced cutest clothes ever store!
Thank Christmas for being so good to me, See yea next year.
-H. Larson
1 people said...:
looks like you had a good christmas love! and yay, for britton surprising you. surprises are the best!
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