Monday, March 14, 2011

AZ's best

It's spring break in sunny AZ so it is the time to take advantage of the 90 degree weather, yes it was 90 today, and visit AZ's best things to do. Britton and I spent the afternoon with Alyse, Taye, and Cruz at the zoo. I've been having a zoo craving for quite some time now so it was nice to finally go.

Taye's top pick of what to do at the zoo.

We joined her. B looks real excited but he really was, what a faker.

Then: A few weeks ago, we visited one of AZ's most interesting places, The Arizona Science Fair. I think the last time I was there was back in Elementary on a field Trip.

I am not sure what this was but Britton and Sam enjoyed themselves and I thought it looked pretty neat.

On a more serious note. I've been counting my blessings the past few days after hearing about all that is going on in Japan. Events such as this makes you truly appreciate the simple things such as a roof over my head and family. I think we all need to stop every now and then and realized how truly blessed we are. I know we all have difficulties that are sometimes hard to overcome but in the broad scheme of things, we are the lucky ones. Please keep all of those in Japan in your prayers.
Have a nice day.

Love, Heather

2 people said...:

Willi Nixon said...

I miss AZ! And you!

Kat said...

looks like you have been having fun lately. it was good to see you all weekend by the way. let's do it more often.

loves you!