Sunday, July 10, 2011

As of late, we've been...

 Taking bike rides to beautiful parts of the island.
 Exploring the endless possibilities of the Canon Rebel. 
 Growing mustaches. Only one of us though;)
 being bookworms.
 I'm sad to say I've finished the last of the Hunger Games series. 
I may have shed a tear and been a little addicted. 
 taking advantage of Taiwan's gem: fruit.
 Being food connoisseurs and trying new things,
yet, still not brave enough to try these.
 Getting our peach on while visiting the town of Yingge.
 Kissing in the rain.
 Hanging out with new members B taught.
 Realizing that Taiwan needs to work on name 
branding... who knows, it could be a hit in the states.
Trying our hand at surfing. 

3 people said...:

Beto said...

Nice pics! So fun to see what you and Britton are up to. Looks like quite an adventure! Did eating the peaches inspire the growth of some additional peach fuzz?? Maybe Britton should have eaten a coconut for inspiration... or a Chinese gooseberry??!? Do you think if he grows it for the remainder of your time there, we'll be able to see it without zooming in on the pic? See you all soon!
-Uncle Robert (and the peanut gallery- Kim and Robyn)

Mckenzi and Matthew said...

Aw heath you guys are the cutest! Looks like you are having the funnest adventure! Can't wait to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

hi honey:s (both of you)cant talk on phone so been waiting for updates miss you guy>s love mom &dad