Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day date in NC

I just returned from a real long and workfull 10 tens day in North Carolina. The branch I was training the tellers at was in a little town called Rocky Mount and let me tell you, there was nothing to it so I don't have any pictures of it. But we did get one day off and I took full advantage of it. I traveled 2 1/2 hours to what is called The Outer Banks and had a good day by the ocean. My overall goal was to find a lighthouse and I was excited when I finally did.....

 Spent the morning walking around the town of Manteo. Beautiful little place and quite historical actually. The first "American" child was born in this quaint little town as well as Queen Elizabeth II settling here. 

Then I went house shopping....This may not sound fun to some but I am obsessed with the homes on the East Coast. I found far too many houses and I couldn't take pictures of all of them but here are a few drivebys that I loved. Can you imagine looking out your window and seeing someone taking pictures of your house? Kinda creepy but it was way worth it for future inspiration. 

 It was like I was pinning these but in person:)

 Why can't AZ homes have this much character? :(

During the date, I took myself out for a nice lunch (and ice cream of course), stopped by the outlet malls, and enjoyed what fall actually looked like. Overall, I would say it was a successful date. 

I was glad I got to experience North Carolina. I used to have a goal of visiting all 50 states so now I can cross it off my list but next time, I think I will bring Britton. Two is always better than one. 

1 people said...:

Danielle Sherwood said...

HEATHER!!! I am seriously with you on the whole "why can't AZ homes have character?!" I actually hate the stucco brown everything looks the same houses here. I know I will live one as a starter home, but I hope and pray that I will be able to own one of those beautiful homes you posted! Everything looked so beautiful I'm glad you shared!