Thursday, June 14, 2012

Switzerland love.

Switzerland. It is the Garden of Eden or at least the closest thing I’ve ever seen to it. After we left Paris, we headed to Interlaken. It’s a small town in between two lakes and we were really excited to relax since Paris was go-go 24/7. We arrived on a rainy day and it was freezing! I was a little worried about how cold it was. It was in the 40’s and its summer so I definitely wasn’t expecting it. I did get some weird looks for being the only one with flip flops on in this town. But once we arrived at our hotel, my worries vanished. We decided to stay in a little town called Isewalt, which was a 30 minute bus right from the train station. With only one restaurant nearby and a porch overlooking the beautiful lake, it was perfect! We spent the first day being lazy but spent the next day walking around Interlaken, looking at cute shops, and we tried famous Swiss fondue. Way yummy but very overpriced. After two days of bliss, we leftL and headed towards Bern, Switzerland. On the way, we decided to take a scenic panorama train. The windows were huge and we saw the cutest towns in the middle of nowhere, cows with cowbells, and waterfalls everywhere. We even got to stop in Lucerne where they had Chapel Bridge (built in the 1400’s, woolala). After a few hours there, we jumping back on the train and stopped in Monteux, which is on Lake Geneva. That was a beautiful place and we took a tour of an old castle there.  One thing I loved about Switzerland is how small the country was and how you could see so much in such a short amount of time. In the morning you could be up in the mountains, two hours later be in Lucerne then be on Lake Geneva. Except Geneva, Swiss German is spoken everywhere so that made it a lot hard to get by. It drove Britton crazy cause he was used to communicating in Taiwan. I said welcome to my world of being oblivious! But I got used to pointing when ordering!  Next stop and post is Bern, Swiss, the capital. Until then, enjoy the pics of what heaven looks like.

3 people said...:

mckenzi said...

heath! SO COOL!!! So very jealous and happy you guys got to do that... I love that you are a travel girl. And I am so excited for the adventure you have coming up! Please keep us posted as much as possible:) Love and miss you!

Kim T. said...

Very cool pictures!! I love reading about your adventures!

Danielle Sherwood said...

Heather, your pics are beautiful! Love all of these adventures you are going on!